Sunday, February 1, 2009


I need a hobby.

More specifically, I need a hobby that allows me to use a new part of my brain. My whole life has been about reading, thinking and writing, all of which are great and which I plan to continue with - but I need a hobby that is totally unrelated.

Growing up I had several hobbies: I figured skated, I swam (and taught swimming, which was more of a job than hobby, but I liked it so much I probably would have done it for free), there were a few years of playing a variety of woodwind musical instruments, and for my artistic side, rug-hooking (the least cool hobby ever).

However, now I feel I need a new hobby. A hobby to get different parts of my brain going.

Last night Devin and I started a puzzle, but while doing puzzles is fun, it is not exactly a hobby.

I have considered scrapbooking, but I don't know if I have the patience for that. Plus I am pretty sure if I started scrapbooking Devin would start making fun of me.

I recently learned that Heather knits, which I think would be a cool hobby. Or crocheting, like knitting but a little easier. So I guess I could go out and buy a needle and a book and teach myself... I just feel like it would be easier if someone could teach you.

I have ruled out needlepoint because I don't think the strain would be good on my eyes (don't I sound like an old woman).

One of my mom's hobbies is playing bridge, but that requires three other people to play with you (although if anyone out there would like to start a bridge/euchre league in Ottawa please let me know).

Or maybe something sporty - we do have a pool in our building, and I have been swimming a few times, and I think if I could buy a swimming cap (thus avoiding getting my hair wet) I could take up swimming as a hobby.

Or yoga. I have taken a few yoga classes - and I think it would help me with my other goal of achieving a more zen life, the problem with yoga is that it is costs money, although I guess I could get a DVD....

These are my thoughts, and if anyone has any suggestions for a good hobby to pursue, please let me know! And if I find a great new hobby I will let everyone know.


  1. may i suggest running? maybe there is a group that runs in your community, which means a) physical fitness and b) social networking.

    knitting is a good one too, although i agree that it is often easier to learn with someone showing you. mittens and toques are easy once you figure out how to read a pattern though!

    i wish i was a better or more confident swimmer, because that is a hobby that is easy on the joints and so good for you.

  2. I think you might be right about rug hooking...

  3. I had a friend teach me to knit, but I also bough the stich n bitch book and it has lots of pictures and it's not too bad. I sort of used my friend AND the book to learn. I really like it because you can bring it wherever, and whenever you have a few minutes to wait, just whip out the needles and knit a row. I'm pretty sure Faye knits too, so you can always ask one of us when you get stuck!

    I just started swimming again, and it's hard! I need a lot of work!
